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- info@etsnetworks.co.uk
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17.30
Porting Your Telephone Number
Telephone number porting is a change in the cp (communications provider) of a telephone number.
number porting does not change the allocated RH (rangeholder) of a number, as the calls will always route through the RH systems.
We use BT IPEX (British Telecom IP Exchange) for all porting requests. BT IPEX has the best SE (Service Establishment) with RangeHolders, facilitating the porting of most numbers, particularly from large tier 1 carrier. BT IPEX cannot port a number from an RH that it does not have service establishment with. In any case, where BT IPEX do not have SE with an RH, they will attempt to create SE with them, a process that can take around 85 working days, however, any errors found on the system they are attempting to create SE for will lengthen this considerably.
For a port request to be accepted by the CNO (Current Network Operator) / Losing CP (LCP) or RH, all of the information on the documents forwarded to the LCP/RH must match what is on file for that telephone number. It is always best to call the Losing CP and ask what is on file when filling out the porting document, and also inform them of your intention to port the number away from them.
Single Line Geographic A single telephone number beginning 01 or 02, that is not part of a DDI range, is not the main billing number for a DDI range and is not part of a multi-line.
Multi-Line Geographic Multiple lines on one or more telephone numbers, including WLR analogue Multi-Line and single-number ISDN.
Simple DDI Multiple digital lines (ISDN/T1/E1/SS7) on one or more telephone numbers, consisting of a main billing number. It can contain a whole block of DDI’s (minimum 10, multiple of 10) and/or have SNDDIs on the circuit.
Complex DDI Multiple digital lines (ISDN/T1/E1/SS7), consisting of part of a block of DDI’s, and the main billing number. Note: All DDI’s attached to the circuit must be included on porting document, and intention given as to which numbers to port. Any numbers not ported will be handed back to the RH.
Single Line Non-Geographic A single telephone number that is non-geographic, is not part of a DDI range, is not the main billing number for a DDI range, and is not part of a multi-line or FeatureLine.
Multi-Line Non-Geographic Multiple non-geographic telephone numbers, consisting of an original and whole block of DDI’s (minimum 10), and the main billing number.
International Telephone numbers from countries outside the UK
When a telephone number ports from an analogue or digital line, the original line is ceased. This means that any and all additional services on the telephone line will also be ceased, e.g broadband. Prefixing on analogue and digital lines (ISDN) from BT happens at the exchange level.
When a number is ported to our service, the original RH changes the prefix on the number, so that it routes out to BT IPEX. It is imported onto the BT IPEX platform and programmed in their core routing engine, which then routes all calls to that number to our platform.
In order for Essex Telephone Systems to port your number onto our platform, we need, for all numbers:
We are unable to progress any ports without this information.
There are a number of factors that can delay ports.
ETS Networks will always endeavour to port your numbers in a timely fashion. However, we cannot provide any guarantees that numbers can port successfully, that numbers can port within a certain timeframe (including but not limited to the minimum lead time), or that there will not be problems porting the number away from your current provider.
Please note number porting is a best-endeavours process in the UK, and all lead times quoted here are minimum industry standards. Accepted practice is for carriers who have been allocated numbers to have Service Establishment and a porting agreement signed with at least 1 carrier to be able to export their numbers however, this is not a requirement.
Single Line | Geographic 10 working days |
Multi Line Geographic | 7 working days |
Simple DDI | 17 working days |
Complex DDI | 2 working days |
Single Line NGN | No Lead time available |
Multi Line NGN | No Lead time available |
International | No lead time available |
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